Friday, November 25, 2011

Purple Yam and a Canon Rebel

For the first time in four years, I spent Thanksgiving with my both my parents. And for the first time it was rather good. My mom cooked everything; I went there early to cook with her, but when I arrived, she had cooked everything already.  

Too much food for five people!

The purple dish is some Filipino yam. I had the ice cream version of it in high school at a Filipino friend's birthday, and I remember it tasting like buttered popcorn. 

This version didn't taste like it though, which is a tad disappointing but not disappointing at the same time. I saw it and kept raging that it was going to taste like popcorn, and then when I ate it, it was more on the sweeter side. It tastes better than buttered popcorn. 

I spent some time at home cleaning my closet (pictures TK) and then headed over to Alex's. His mom had made some Cajun-flavored turkey, which was super spicy. 

I ate dinner with them around actual dinner time, and then Alex and I headed to Target around 10 p.m. for this: 

It's the Canon Rebel T3. Alex bought it for me for Christmas and he let me have it early. 

We waited outside Target until it opened at midnight for Black Friday. There were maybe 100 or 125 people in front of us, because they were letting 20 people in at a time and it only took us 10 minutes. 

Getting the camera was somewhat of a bitch. The electronics line was all screwy because some of the barriers weren't established, so some people tried to cut in line. The atmosphere was a little chaotic, too, and of course, some people were acting crazy. Still, we were able to get a hold of one.

I'm super stoked.

It's charging right now. I didn't want to charge it overnight because it only needs two hours plugged into the wall, and I don't like to overcharge things.

If I don't get to do a photo session today, I'll eventually get to it. My mom just drove my dad to the hospital because his foot's been intensely hurting for the past week or two, and now he can barely walk on it. I'll update with that later.

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