Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Run for Your Lives! No, Really.

I've been in an athletic mood recently.

Jogging all weekend. New shoes. Athletic wear sent via FedEx.

And most of it has to do with this little thing in March:

Run for Your Lives: A Zombie-Infested 5K Obstacle Course Race.
It'll be my first 5K, complete with obstacles, dirt and a lack of asphalt. For training, so far I'm only running and doing crunches and pushups, so I need to step up my game soon with some more epic exercises.

Yesterday, I got some new running shoes that I'm super stoked about. I've been running on some shitty Nikes that don't allow my feet to curve at all, and I was eyeing the Nike Free Run+ 2 for a while (which Alex actually ended up buying). When I went to Sports Authority, though, I realized they probably weren't the best shoe for me because of its lack of tread. Plus, they look funny.

I wanted a similar shoe with some tread, so I spotted these:

New Balance 101 Trail Running shoes. They look awesome, and they have the same barefoot-feel as the Nikes. And they have tread. Plus, I go them for $40. Beat that, $90 Nikes.

I haven't tried them out yet, but tonight, the treadmill shall see my fabulous new sneakers.

Ooh, and I got this in the mail yesterday, too:

A Firefly/Peanuts crossover? Undoubtedly clever. Possibly the best $10 I've ever spent. Stay classy, TeeFury.

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