Saturday, March 1, 2014

Does Size Matter? The One-Page Resume vs. the Two-Page Resume Dilemma

I'm in this intense career development program that's prepping me for my job search by helping with things like interviewing, networking and developing a marketing plan. During a "bootcamp" class designed to kickstart the program, the instructor says the one-page requirement for a resume is a myth, and he expects a two-page resume from most people.

While the course is filled with lots of great information, I'm not completely convinced that a longer resume is acceptable to many companies. A quick Google search for resume tips in the journalism field says so.

Having more room on my resume would be super convenient for me (especially since I was at a 10.5 size font and half-inch margins for my one-pager). But when I was an editor and journalists would send me their two-page resumes to try to get freelance work, I would roll my eyes and ignore them.

So it begs the question: Does size matter?

Does size matter when it comes to resumes? Credit: Morguefile